Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cantore Feels Act III

Now this Act is what I'm talking about! I didn't even notice when I was almost done with it because it was so interesting and brimming with action. Literally the whole time I was like

It was much easier for me to get through the language in this Act, even the play that Hamlet set up was easy to understand and I actually enjoyed it because I thought that it was parallel with Hamlet's own life. He obviously thought so too when he was talking to the Ghost and said that his passion had waned and therefore his previous promises. I got really angry, of course, when Hamlet almost killed Claudius but found an excuse to chicken out. Hamlet's exchange with Gertrude was probably the passage that confused me the most, for the sole reason that I don't understand why she was so quick to believe Hamlet's word. I guess if it was me I would want to find some evidence first or something. 


HASTA NUNCA, POLONIUS. You will not be missed.

Also, I would just like to take a moment to talk about how clever and funny Hamlet is, and what a genius Shakespeare was for creating such a character. There is a point in this Act where Hamlet talks about how there are two types of people who watch plays: the groundlings and the nobles. He says that each one wants something different from the play; the nobles don't particularly care for stupidity and what is basically slapstick comedy and the groundlings don't really want to watch things that are sophisticated because they don't understand them. I find it interesting, and amusing, to see that Shakespeare has incorporated this into his own play. I just can't imagine that some people, like the groundlings, would get how funny and witty Hamlet is, and I also think that Shakespeare knew that. This man was such a genius. 


xoxo, Cantore Slug