Monday, November 12, 2012

Cantore Feels, Act IV

This Act wasn't as thrilling to me as Act III and I didn't find it quite as emotional, but that's probably just because I honestly didn't like Ophelia that much so it didn't bother me when she died. However, I did appreciate her madness at the end, that was a nice touch. I enjoyed the actual language and precedent of it, but I also liked the undertones that Shakespeare was attempting to put out through it. I'm starting to get a little nervous about things that are happening outside the castle because it seems that everyone is a little too caught up in all of these affairs rather than paying attention to the country. That makes me a little uneasy and I'm sure it's going to blow up in their face soon. Hamlet's letters were probably the best part of this Act for me because I just really love him and I can't wait to see what it is that's happened to him and what he has in store. Claudius bothered me a lot in this one because he kept acting like he was so pure when he really is a sleazy sleaze bag. He's only plotting revenge for Polonius's death for his own sake, not Laertes's. 

xoxo, Cantore Slug

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