Thursday, November 1, 2012

Personal Reaction - Tevie

I enjoyed reading this section of the play, as it turned out being easier to understand than I would have thought. The notes on each page helped to clarify the meaning of it all and thinking about my role in this Act while reading helped me to better understand what I was looking for and trying to understand. I enjoy the subtle humor that I picked up throughout Act I, for example, Hamlet's line in I.ii "The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables." This is a clever piece of wit that emphasizes Shakespeare's knowledge of humor and sarcasm. Basically what Hamlet is saying is that his father's funeral and his mother's wedding were so close together that the meats baked for the funeral were also eaten at the wedding. Hilarious, right? So far, I'm liking the way this story is unfolding and watching the movie in class is definitely helping to strengthen my understanding of what's really going on behind all the flowery diction and poetic prose.

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