Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who's Who? Act IV

Characters in Act IV in order (Major Characters)

King: After Hamlet kills Polonius, takes a total 180 degree turn in character from repenting from the murder of King Hamlet and condemns Hamlet for killing Polonius.

Queen: The queen is distraught after seeing her son murder Polonius in cold blood and is apprehensive to talk to Ophelia because she gone a bit crazy.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern: these two characters still do the kings bidding, spying on Hamlet and such, they carry the letter that will order Hamlets execution in England.

Hamlet: Same old Hamlet still, trying to choose the perfect time to kill his uncle, but while he waits, everything around him starts to crumble.

Fortinbras: Briefly mentioned, Fortinbras marches to take his fathers worthless lost land, even the soldiers question why they are taking this infertile land for Norway.

Horatio: Hamlet's right hand man, he silently questions he Hamlet is still sane.

Ophelia: Ophelia one a respectable and  independent woman, is now mad after going through the ordeal of her fathers death. Ophelia, ultimately mad with grief drowns herself in a creek.

Laertes: After hearing news of his fathers death he hastily returns to Denmark with a small rebellion to seek retribution from the King, the King promptly explains the situation to Laertes and gets him back on his side.


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