Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Words, words, words

1) splenitive - "For, though I am not splenitive and rash, yet have I in me something dangerous, which let thy wisdom fear." (Act V, Scene I)

Splenitive- a synonym for rash that suggests someone has an uneven temperament. Hamlet declares that he is not rash, but does have some qualities that should be feared.

2) perdition- "Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you" (Act V, Scene II)

Perdition- utter destruction: eternal damnation. In this, Hamlet is saying that Osric's description does not take away from Laertes' good qualities

3) wanton- "I am afeared you make a wanton of me" (Act V, Scene II)

Wanton- Playfully mean or cruel. Hamlet is implying that Laertes is treating him like a child.

                                                                                       -Sam Slug

1 comment:

  1. Splenitive is a nice word.I think it exactly describes Hamlet.
