Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Asian Reacts to Act IV

I quite enjoyed Act IV. It just added on to the whole sense of a tragedy and kind of, I guess, organized chaos that Shakespeare creates. I'd first off like the state that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are such traitors! I mean, I thought they were supposed to be Hamlet's friends, but they sell him out to Claudius all willy-nilly. I was just like, come on now, have a bit more faith in your "friend." And Claudius is such a sleezeball. But we really see how much of a coward the king is when he knows that Hamlet knows the truth about the murder of King Hamlet, so he tries to send Prince Hamlet off to be murdered essentially. He can't even murder him himself! Poor, poor Ophelia. I was just like this is painful to see. Especially when we watched the film, it was just saddening to see it unfold before your eyes. She had pretty much lost everyone she ever loved: Hamlet and her father and her brother was away, so he was pretty much dead to her as well. Then she just drowned herself and I kind of just wanted to punch Hamlet for essentially doing this to her. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS! And thankfully Hamlet has finally somewhat realized that he needs to get his tail into high gear and murder the snake!!!!!! 


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