Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cantore Feels One Last Time (Act V)

Well, this has been quite the journey. Overall, I thought that it was okay; I liked doing our work on our blogs, but I didn't really like the way that we looked at them in class; I actually didn't like Hamlet as much as I like the other two pieces of Shakespeare's work that we've read, Romeo and Juliet and Othello. However, it was still pretty good and I enjoyed a great deal of it. A lot of the characters just got on my nerves. Everyone except for Hamlet did, really. And maybe Horatio. Everyone else, I was just like 

Act V was probably my favorite though because I liked the speeches that Hamlet made about death a lot and I thought the way that they all died was very interesting. Very Shakespeare-esque. Quite tragic, all of it. I think that Hamlet died honorably, which is all that anyone could ask, and I appreciated his friendship with Horatio, when Horatio tried to kill himself as well but Hamlet forced him not to, to stay behind and let everyone know what had happened. I mean honestly, I was really sad when Hamlet died, since he was definitely my favorite character and I had high hopes for him (even though I knew there was no way he could survive). At the end when Fortinbras says that they are going to honor him, it made me feel really good. 

So, all in all it probably wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it was far from favorite. The whole experience was just kind of ehhh to me. I did, however, like doing our work on the internet on blogs. That was extremely easy and helpful. So, Hamlet, since this is my final post, I bid thee adieu. It was a mild pleasure working with you.




xoxo, Cantore Slug


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